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I am looking for a reliable publisher of my books - on paper.
Szukam solidnego wydawcy moich książek – w wersji papierowej.
!! BEST - Disco & DJ history eBooks !!
Fact is - these are best books / documents about '70 disco & DJ history ever - because
of memories of real disco era DJs / real discotheque innovators and pioneers !!
The best and biggest ever (among other) Disco & DJ history books - disco history told by its ’70 creators - you can buy this UNIQUE eBooks on
Fact is - these are best books / documents about '70 disco & DJ history ever - because
of memories of real disco era DJs / real discotheque innovators and pioneers !!
The best and biggest ever (among other) Disco & DJ history books - disco history told by its ’70 creators - you can buy this UNIQUE eBooks on
... click on the pix to enlarge ...
! POLISH '70 DISCO & DJ SCENE STORY (in english)
this book / eBook on DVD-R as DVD-Rom:
In the '70s - when extremely interesting things happened in the world, when disco music was born overseas, Poland and Poles remained (without their fault) in deep backwardness and ignorance about the above-mentioned phenomena. We were tightly separated from the world and civilization by the famous Iron Curtain, which was left by the communist rulers of our country. This iron curtain did not allow messages, music, new recordings, mixes etc. of things to be born in London or New York. The Polish nation, or rather parts of this nation, flashed many interesting events around the nose. The contemporary Polish media directed by specially educated, obeying to the authority ignorant whores with full unconsciousness, and perhaps with perfidious deliberation (who knows) caused that in the minds and memory of Poles (with few exceptions) there was no and no knowledge about those days, about people who made disco.
In the '70s - when extremely interesting things happened in the world, when disco music was born overseas, Poland and Poles remained (without their fault) in deep backwardness and ignorance about the above-mentioned phenomena. We were tightly separated from the world and civilization by the famous Iron Curtain, which was left by the communist rulers of our country. This iron curtain did not allow messages, music, new recordings, mixes etc. of things to be born in London or New York. The Polish nation, or rather parts of this nation, flashed many interesting events around the nose. The contemporary Polish media directed by specially educated, obeying to the authority ignorant whores with full unconsciousness, and perhaps with perfidious deliberation (who knows) caused that in the minds and memory of Poles (with few exceptions) there was no and no knowledge about those days, about people who made disco.
A dozen or so years have passed since the political
breakthrough in 1989 musical business and media in Poland were first of all
taken care of piracy and the creation of fortunes built on ordinary thievery.
They stole and traded what, by random accidents, became known, popular and
could bring quick revenues. Far from it all, it was from the truth and
knowledge that could bridge the gap separating Poles from the achievements of
world culture. Time cures all social illnesses, and in Poland you can see a
healthy manifestation.
There are, for example, the possibility of writing -
writing also and what, as I have already mentioned, escaped Poles (with a few
exceptions) near the nose leaving in their minds emptiness and ignorance about
certain issues related to the civilizational musical achievements of humanity.
Based on the assumption that it is better late than never - I write informing
about what the above emptiness and ignorance will allow to fill facts, names,
titles, dates and descriptions of events.
Deejay like me deserve all gratitude and compensation for the harm / LIVE RISK suffered --- special awards of American Music Industry as same as USA administration --- my bio below and in my books: "YAHUDEEJAY - trampled dreams" - polish disco & deejay history in English: "Silent Records" - worlwide disco & deejay history in English "Discjockey" - polish disco & deejay history in Polish BUT real industry and administration not crooks / pretenders as this luis orellana / 'legends of vinyl' (link below) and bunch of idiots around him - supported by some full stupid disco era artists, deejays, etc. !! Whole story here: https://legends-of-dj.blogspot.com/ |
... over 75 blogs author - red by over 2.612.000 readers worldwide ... _____________________________________________________ check them all under below link: |
!! No one of worldwide DJs risked its life to play USA-R&B-Dance music in '70 as YahuDeej@y did !! Most persecuted DJ in '70 communist regime Poland !! |
... click on the pix to enlarge ...
!! very modern electronic book / eBook on DVD-R disc as DVD-Rom including text as ‘pdf’ files and ‘jpg’ as pictures / illustrations. You need DVD station / reader on your computer to open and read book on screen. |
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However, considering how the global internet works, etc., it should be taken into account that this often cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, incorrect information - the lack of authorship of photos, texts, documents, etc. disclosed on this blog cannot be the basis for any claims without prior contact with the author to establish the facts, etc.